This accessibility plan outlines the strategy of Van Bree Drainage and Bulldozing Limited to prevent and remove barriers for people with disabilities and comply
with the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005.
Integrated Accessibility Standards – Multi-year Plan
Van Bree Drainage and Bulldozing Limited is committed to providing an accessible environment for all clients, employees, job applicants, suppliers, and visitors
who may enter our premises, access our information, or use our services. As an organization, we respect and comply with the requirements of the Accessibility
for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and its associated regulations. We strive to provide an accessible and welcoming environment for everyone by
identifying and removing barriers in our workplace and ensuring that new barriers are not created. The company ensures that persons with disabilities are
provided with equal opportunities. We are committed to meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and integrative manner that respects their
dignity and independence.
AODA (O. Reg) 191/11 Section 3: Establishment of Accessibility Policy
1. Policy created and implemented. Reviewed every five (5) years, see HRP6 AODA Policy
2. Statement developed for organizational commitment to meet the needs of accessibility, see AODA Statement
3. Documents are made publicly available on website and accessible format can be requested
AODA (O. Reg) 191/11 Section 4: Accessibility Plans
Create a multi-year plan (review plan annually)
Post plan on website
Submit AODA status report to Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility
1. Multi-year plan created and titled “AODA- Multi Year Plan Van Bree”
2. Van Bree has the plan posted on the website; additionally accessible format can be requested in alternative format
AODA (O. Reg) 191/11 Section 7 (1&2): Training
1. Van Bree provides training to all new hires and volunteers during onboarding. This training material is reviewed and updated once every five years. Next scheduled update is January 1, 2026
2. Van Bree provides training on both the General Requirements of AODA, Customer Service Standard and the Human Rights Code for all employees and volunteers
AODA (O. Reg) 191/11 Part 1: General – Other applicable sections
1. Training occurs as soon as practical and during the onboarding of all new employees and volunteers. All training records are kept in the personnel file and documented via our training matrices
2. Training will be provided at least once every five (5) years or when the policy is updated as required
3. Pat 1 of AODA has been integrated in our training
AODA (O. Reg) 191/11 Part IV.2: Customer Service Standard Establishment of Policies
1. Van Bree’s policy and plan include policies and actions taken as they relate to the use of service animals, assistive devices, and support persons
2. Van Bree’s is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence and welcomes feedback regarding our current policies and plans. Our training plan(s) incorporate these requirements to meet the needs of people with different types of disabilities
3. Our policies and training plans include the use of assistive devices by persons with disabilities
4. Van Bree has created a policy and plan to meet the needs, and copies along
with alternative formats can be provided upon request
5. Our commitment statement is posted on our bulletin board by the front door and our website and copies of our policies can be requested and/or in alternative format
6. Commitment statement is posted on front doors and our website. A full policy is posted on our communication boards, company server and company website
Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
7.) Our facilities permit for a person with a disability to enter our premises while accompanied by a guide dog or other service animal. There are restrictions for our shop and where required by law
8.) Van Bree will take reasonable steps to ensure other measures are made available to enable a person with a disability to obtain, use or benefit from our goods, services, or facilities
9.) Van Bree permits a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person when on the premises
10.) Van Bree facility permits a person with a disability to be accompanied by a support person when on the premises
11.) Van Bree’s policy and plan and “AODA Multi-Year Plan” created
12.) Requests for documentation can be made by phone, email, and mail
13.) Our commitment statement along with channels to communicate requests are made available on our commitment statement and posted in conspicuous place on our premises and company’s website
Notice of Temporary Disruption
14.) Policy and Commitment made to provide a notice of temporary disruption including the reason, duration, and alternatives that are available, if any
15.) Included in above point (14)
16.) This plan is posted at the facility
Training for employees
17.) Training is complete during orientation for employees, volunteers and customer facing representatives
18.) Our training includes the purpose of the Act and requirements for interacting and communicating with persons with various types of disabilities including; assistive devices, service animals, equipment availability, and support person(s)
19.) Training is done during hiring and onboarding and during any changes to policies. At a minimum once every five years
20.) Records are maintained in the Human Resources Department including the date of completion of training
21.) Document is prepared that describes the training including the timing of such. This document is made available upon request
22.) Notice is posted on our company website, information regarding our policy and plan is posted at the premises on the front entrance of the facility
Feedback Process
23.) Feedback process has been established and customers, employees, and the public can provide this through email, telephone, or mail. Alternative formats can also be requested
24.) Feedback will be reviewed and responded to within forty-eight (48) hours
25.) Feedback methods are provided; telephone, email, mail, and additional support can be provided upon request
26.) The feedback process document will be displayed in conspicuous places throughout the facility, and on the company’s website
27.) The feedback process document provides several methods by which individuals can provide feedback
28.) Refer to #26)
29) Notice is posted on our company website, information regarding our policy and plan is posted in a conspicuous place and company’s website.
Format of Documents
30.) Documentation can be requested in alternative formats
31.) Van Bree will make every reasonable effort to provide accessible format or communication support, as required
Information and Communication Standards
AODA (O.Reg) 191/11 Part II Feedback
1.) Process developed for providing feedback in both telephone, email, and mail format. Additional
accessible formats will be available upon request
2.) The company has a policy and plan in place to inform the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to the feedback process
Accessible formats and communication supports
3.) The company has committed to providing upon request accessible formats and communication support to persons with disabilities as soon as reasonably possible. Van Bree will absorb any additional cost to ensure there are no additional costs burdened to the persons with disabilities
4.) The company has designated a representative that will work in partnership with persons making requests to determine suitability of an accessible format or communication support
5.) Public notice made available at the facility front door entrance
6.) As indicated in point (5)
7.) The company has met the requirements by January 1, 2016
Emergency procedure, plans or public safety information
8.) The company is prepared to provide accessible format or with appropriate communication supports any emergency procedures, plans or public safety information
Accessible websites and web content
9.) Van Bree works with a third party to assess our website to meet and/or exceed the requirements of WCAG 2.0 level AA.
AODA (O.Reg) 191/11 Part II: Information and Communication Standard Recruitment
1.) The company has a policy and plan in place established in 2014 and most recently updated in 2021
2.) The company has a statement in place at the beginning of our recruitment cycle to notify potential job applicants of accommodation practices
3.) During the recruitment process, and at each step throughout, accommodation is provided, as requested, and takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs
4.) See point (3)
5.) All Van Bree employment offers include a statement that the Company will provide accommodation, as required
Supports and accessible formats
6.) Policies are drafted and take into account accessibility needs due to disability, and the accommodation plans will be provided as required
7.) All employees are provided this information during onboarding including in their training requirements as outlined in our plans
8.) The company will provide any updates policies and plans as required
9.) Human Resources will work with Operations and the employee to determine accommodation needs as requested
10.) Human Resources will work in consultation with the employee making the request to determine the suitability of accessible format or communication support
Workplace emergency response information
11.) Human Resources will work in consultation with the employee to provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability
12.) The company policy includes a provision to assign assistance should it be required, with the employee’s consent
13.) The company policy includes a provision to respond as soon as practicable when the employer becomes aware of an employee’s disability
14.) The company policy states that the individualized workplace emergency response information
will be reviewed as necessary when;
(a) different location in the organization, (
(b) accommodation needs change,
(c) during regular review of general emergency response policies
Documented individual accommodation plans
15.) The company has prepared a written process which includes
(a) a voluntary self-identification form and
(b) a standardized template to meet the needs of accommodation plans for employees with disabilities. The company will work with the employee to discuss the suitability of accommodation and request updates within a reasonable time period
16.) The company has a standardized template created for creation of documented accommodation plans
17.) The company is prepared, if so requested, to provide information regarding individual accommodation in accessible formats which includes individualized workplace emergency response information.
Return to work process
18.) The company has a return-to- work process in place which includes accommodation and documentation requirements in accordance with documented individual accommodation plans
19.) Policy and plan in place under Van Bree Integrated Accessibility Standards
20.) Van Bree commits to satisfy this requirement.
Performance Management, career development and advancement and redeployment
21.) Van Bree as a part of accommodation, will ensure that our performance management processes take into account individual accommodation plans and needs
22.) Van Bree will ensure that career development and advancement takes into account accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities when providing career development and advancement opportunities
23.) Similarly, to point 21 and 22. The company will take into account redeployment.